André Taylor
Leading Advisor to 
Luxury Entrepreneurs


Become a Taylor Insight Member


The Art of Grand 
How to Market Your Luxury Business


See your Luxury Business Enjoy Greater Success

If You’re Wondering What Steps to Take in Your Luxury Business to Prosper and Grow in the Next 12-Months Read On…


Dear Luxury Entrepreneur:

If you look at the great luxury brands in the world, the ones that have endured, for a long time like Tiffany, Rolls Royce, and Chanel to name a few, what you may not realize is what exceptional marketing these companies have employed to reach their vaulted status over time.

You may also not realize these legendary brands are the names of real people, who pioneered some of the most extraordinary marketing savvy the world has ever seen.

In Luxury Marketing is Key

The reason why a luxury client absolutely must have a $5,000 handbag, or an automobile that cost ten times the average of other brand names is not just superiority of product, but superiority of marketing.

What’s happened in recent decades, in the snapping up of family-owned luxury businesses in a massive acquisition spree, has not only been a consolidation in luxury, but also the dampening of luxury product and services, once led by grand marketers, mostly one-man, and one-woman businesses begun long ago. They’re now part of corporate machines – and they’ve lost their luster.

In this shift, great, entrepreneurial luxury marketing has diminished among prestige brands.

But there’s something else that has been happening, quietly, that many haven’t noticed. And that is the rise of the luxury entrepreneur, like you, in cities around the world.

Places like Brooklyn, New York, Charlotte, North Carolina, Atlanta Georgia, Toronto, Canada, San Jose, California, and many other locales not typically thought of as centers of luxury.

So why is this happening, and who are these entrepreneurs?

Luxury is Changing While Demand is Rising

Well first, there has been a steady rise in the demand for luxury products and services over the last two decades. Despite concern about the economy, incomes and lifestyles have improved, across the board.

This steady rise in income, has created an audience of luxury buyers interested in experiencing the best, whether it’s high-end clothing, furnishings, or travel, or a dozen other categories. This cuts across age, race, geographic, and economic brackets.

To meet demand, there has been a steady climb of innovative entrepreneurs creating new kinds of luxury businesses. And the client, happy to enjoy luxury from new sources, and now even buying more online, have been supporting these brands by buying record numbers of products and services.

Meanwhile, the traditional luxury brand names, have suffered from over-building in retail centers, and not pivoting sufficiently to address changing consumer interest.

In other words, while the traditional luxury marketer is stumbling, the luxury entrepreneur has emerged, and customers and clients have been delighted to buy from them.

But what most luxury entrepreneurs have not understood is how to accelerate their growth, in this market where there’s growing opportunity.

There’s Much to Learn in Luxury

This brings me back to the great marketers. Known as arbiters of extraordinary taste, when these luxury entrepreneurs got started, word spread about their distinctive products that carried their family name.

They served an elite clientele.

Some owners had a flair for showmanship.

These grand marketers knew that buying luxury said something about the client’s taste, personality, economic, political and social standing.

They knew, we live in a world of haves and have-nots, and understanding how to market to, excite, and motivate your potential clients to buy is essential, particularly when it comes to luxury.

Interestingly, many luxury brands did not initially advertise, fearing it would cheapen the brand, but made select marketing choices whether it was having the exclusive fashion show, outfitting the Golden era of Hollywood, or sending personal invitations to their showrooms, to those with high incomes.

The early luxury entrepreneurs, created what you might call, dream factories.

Slowly other ways of marketing luxury emerged, radio, television, magazine ads – creating broader desire.

But much has changed. We are in a new era of luxury.

Quietly Luxury Entrepreneurs Are Winning

Many big luxury brands have begun to cut corners, replace individual attention and handcraftsmanship with assembly-line production.

Many big luxury brands have stumbled in their marketing, as well, engaging in boring, look alike approaches.

This new era has created an opening for you, the luxury entrepreneur.

One of my clients, Greg Chapman has capitalized on this very fact. His luxury men’s clothing store, based in Beverly Hills, has consistently prospered because, he has studied and applied the best marketing strategies. And he’s done that to the tune of millions of dollars.

Working with me, Greg has continued to expand his business and opportunity, even in a time where, let’s face it, many people don’t care about dressing well.

My Early Luxury Education

I advise luxury entrepreneurs around the world. It’s funny how life works. In some ways, I think this was to be my destiny.

I grew up in a spectacular 14-room town house in Brooklyn, New York. Now before you think, I grew up wealthy, that isn’t the case.

My parents bought this incredible property in the late 1950s, when homes were still grand – and aspiring families could purchase part of their dream.

I recall what my mother told me. The realtor described this house as a property for “gracious living.” And my mom, a lover of beautiful furnishings, proceeded to outfit this house with beautiful items – carpets, sofas, lighting, artwork, and the piano I practiced on for hours each day. Little did I know I was getting an education in the aspirations of the luxury buyer.

Later, when I started working, I began on Wall Street where every day, I was in the midst of the moneyed class and had the opportunity to see, in even sharper vision, what the affluent and wealthy were all about.

How I Discovered the Enormous Opportunity in Luxury

Soon I started my own company - Taylor Insight, a consulting firm, specifically aimed at helping those marketing products and services in the luxury market - a media company in the sports field.

One of the products we pioneered was an electronic service for traveling professionals that provided sports news.

That followed working with professional sports organizations on developing ways to serve their high-end clientele – luxury suite holders, season ticket holders, and top-tier sponsors.

I began to see a new world emerging where luxury was rapidly expanding, the affluent and wealthy class were growing, and the desire for the best products and services was exploding.

Soon, I started a new company – a consulting firm, specifically aimed at helping those marketing products and services in the luxury market.

The World’s Highest Paid Entrepreneurs

I began to see how many different kinds of products and services could be marketed as luxuries to a growing number of affluent buyers.

I began working with luxury marketers teaching them the tricks of the trade – some old, some new, to breakthrough in the luxury market.

My luxury workshops were famous throughout the world, and I regularly, appeared on television to explain the luxury market.
Here are a few things I shared:

  • Luxury is not just the domain of the wealthy and famous.
  • But you’d better understand the affluent and wealthy if you really want to expand your business.
  • There is a consistent stream of buyers who want the very best and will pay for the trappings of luxury.
  • These buyers are sophisticated, know what they want, and will buy from you, again and again, once you win them over.

Among the highest paid entrepreneurs on the planet are luxury entrepreneurs when they know what they’re doing when it comes to marketing. That’s because luxury buyers are high-value and are inclined to be long-term clients.

It’s a Fact: Great Marketing Leads to Great Income

The most successful luxury brands and businesses are great marketers. They create marketing that cuts through, while also conveying a sense of grandeur. And like many of my clients, they enjoy high income, and a high-end lifestyle, themselves.

Luxury entrepreneurs that do not understand this, usually go out of business. Understanding how to market luxury is not a commonly understood skill. But it is crucial, for entrepreneurs, like you.

Is what you offer, of superior quality?
Do you provide a unique or pampered client experience?
How will you build your luxury brand and business?
There is a way to accomplish this.

The Money is in the Details

The good news?

There have never been so many interested in luxury products and services. And there has never been, so many wealthy people in the world.

The challenge?

Understanding the details on how to effectively capitalize on this growing luxury market.

There are proven formulas for marketing the finest that money can buy, and until now, I have only shared those details with my exclusive clientele.

But now, I want to share those details with you.

Become a Taylor Insight Member:
Learn Unique and Effective Approaches to Luxury Marketing

For a limited time, you can get a 30-day trial of…

The Art of Grand Marketing Letter,
plus, The Art of Grand Audio Seminar Series,
Gold membership in my Insider’s Group
for Luxury Entrepreneurs, for just $9.97*

*After 30 days, you’ll be billed
just $97.00 monthly for your Gold membership.

If that sounds like an incredible offer, let me be the first to tell you, it is.

Taylor Insight Membership is for entrepreneurs who deliver the best products, services, and experiences. As a member, you gain access to my exclusive advice, guidance, and commentary on entrepreneurship in the luxury category.

The Art of Grand Marketing Letter is my monthly newsletter on results-driven luxury marketing for entrepreneurs. In it, I identify hidden opportunities, walk you through the “how-to” of marketing your products and services, and provide analysis and perspective you won’t find anywhere. This is not a group of tired press releases from luxury brands touting what they’re doing, this is written specifically for you, the luxury entrepreneur with your own investment and reputation at stake, and the need to find the right clients and keep them coming back.

The Art of Grand is not just about “creating awareness” but frankly, about making money, in luxury.

Join an Elite Group of Luxury Entrepreneurs

Luxury entrepreneurs around the world, rely on my relevant marketing insights and commentary, monthly, to do, just that.

In addition, to my famous newsletter, you’ll get The Art of Grand Audio Seminar Series, my exclusive monthly audio, where I walk you through a marketing idea, process, or strategy in-depth, each month. You won’t want to miss this outstanding companion to The Art of Grand Marketing Letter.

Now, here’s the best part…

You’ll get the first month of both of these essential tools – in Classic Print and Digital -- for just $9.97. That’s an unheard of, opportunity. Then, after 30 days, your Taylor Insight Gold Membership is just $97 per month. And with Gold Membership not only will you get the best insights, but you’ll be an insider, to my best advice and guidance, among a distinguished group of luxury entrepreneurs, and you’ll even get exclusive discounts on our portfolio of advisory tools for luxury marketers.

In this exclusive offer you’ll receive:

  • Guidance from my 20-years plus in luxury and over 35 years as an entrepreneur on things others may not tell you, and may not even know.
  • Guidance on winning over affluent consumers, professionals, business owners, and wealthy families.
  • Guidance on taking a clean sheet of paper and developing fresh thinking about your customers, brand, and company.
  • Guidance on understanding the buying patterns of your most lucrative and affluent customer targets.
  • Guidance on how to cut through the malaise of "also-rans," and ascend to a level of distinction where customers are willing to pay a premium for your products and services.
  • Guidance on how to build on existing client relationships as well as attracting new ones.
  • Guidance on direct and multi-channel marketing, online and mobile, brick and mortar, and how to leverage it all at the same time to attract your most lucrative customers, members, and audiences.

This Offer Ends Soon

For just $9.97 you can get started, but this offer will not last.

Right now, you have the opportunity to understand, thrive in, and conquer the luxury market with uncommon insights from my decades helping entrepreneurs just like you.

Just remember: Luxury Marketers with a deep understanding of the mindset and behavior of clients with greater financial resources, are poised to benefit from the continued growth in this market.

You can join the ranks of Taylor Insight members, prospering in luxury.

Get both The Art of Grand Marketing Letter and The Art of Grand Audio Seminar Series, for the first 30 days, for just $9.97.

Ordering is quick and easy. Just go to this link:

André, I'm Ready to Get Started For Just $9.97

What Taylor Insight Members Say About André 

 “Mr. Taylor, amazing! I’ve been following you for a long while and just wanted to say how much I value your insight on selling luxury. Keep up the amazing work!”

-Richard H.

“My business has boomed! Much of my business turnaround can be traced to your advice and suggestions for that I am very grateful.”

-Steven D.

“Thanks for all of your guidance. You got the results. We are executing! Get a wise man as your coach!”

-Michael D.

“I want to say how much I appreciate you. Your assistance is a gift that keeps on giving!”

-Aliyyah B.

“Participating in your programs is always insightful and valuable, and maybe it’s because of where I am at this point, but I believe that this is the most powerful of your presentations that I’ve experienced to date. Superb! Thank you!”

-Patrice P.

“I ran my family childcare business for twenty years and although I “got by,” after listening to your webinar, I realize that my personal and professional mindset regarding money kept my business small when I could have helped more children. I don’t know where this will lead but I feel like I’m getting on the path to personal and professional transformation. Thanks again for your insights.”

 -Elinor P.

“I have not met anyone who could truly articulate in very practical ways, marketing to the luxury client. This is not being patronizing but I say this in the most sincere heart, that you have an innate ability, and you’ve developed your gift of speaking in language that is refined, and engaging, and in the most gentle tone without indulging in common marketing expressions.”

-Lancia S.

Cancel Anytime
Keep in mind that, your membership is month-to-month. If after 30 days, you find The Art of Grand Marketing Letter, The Art of Grand Audio Seminar Series, and Taylor Insight Gold Membership, no longer meet your needs, just let us know. Your account will be cancelled, and there’s no hard feelings.

With so much to understand about marketing your luxury product or service, exclusive guidance from us, and this special offer, isn’t it worth ordering right now?

Act now to get this exclusive offer. Here’s the link again:

André, I'm Ready to Get Started For Just $9.97


André Taylor

Founder and Publisher

P.S. This is an unusual offer, for these highly unusual times. I’ve decided to offer the first month of this incredible package for just $9.97 and just $97 a month thereafter. Please don’t miss this offer. Get started here:

André, I'm Ready to Get Started For Just $9.97